Friday, January 20, 2012

Vridi Buddies

This is Christine that has been suffering with illness.   You can see her stick arms sticking out of her shirt.  I told her people all over the world are praying for and she is very happy with that.

This is my friend Alima.  She has a permanent smile.  

This is dear Grace.  Her mom, Marie, lost her husband in August in the bus accident.  Grace is hanging out at mom's market stall, while mom does people's hair for a buck or two.

I got my camera out at Vridi the other day so that you can see some of my buddies.  I don't get around to taking a lot of pictures as it can be quite a distraction and a little weird.  I know you like to put names with faces, though. 

This week has been challenging as Caleb has been sick.  He'd been sick since just after Christmas, but we finally got some good medical advice and he is doing much better.  This time of year, a dust comes down from the dessert and sits in the air like smog.  We don't have as much trouble here as they do further north, but we do see some of it.  The doctor Caleb saw recently feels like he had an asthma like reaction to the dust.  Because of that, he's been having serious trouble breathing for the last few weeks.  After spending most of every day this week at the doctor's office, Caleb is doing really well.  Thanks, Christi, for the recommendation!

It feels crazy to say, but we'll be traveling again in just over a week.  We don't travel much, but this year it has come in bunches.  We'll be headed over to Ghana to get refreshed spiritually and share some of the things we learned in Vancouver.  We are looking forward to seeing some old friends and are currently planning to stay an extra day so Mike and Caleb can watch the superbowl with friends instead of solo. 

With Love,

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