Thursday, May 20, 2010

Going, Going, Gone

I sat on a crude wooden bench in the shade of a tree this morning with the stench of the lagoon being carried my way on a breeze. I watched as my dear friend's entire stock of worldly belongings were tied to the top of a bus in a couple of boxes and then as she and her two girls climbed on that same bus. I wished I could get on with her, but my family, my work and my calling are here. We waved goodbye from alongside the bus. Karis was tearfully lifted high to reach out and touch the hand of my friends oldest daughter as she reached out to say goodbye. All of my goodbyes had to come with no tears. Tears aren't acceptable here for any reason other than death and even then they must be restrained. The ache still burns the back of my throat with tears that are yet to be shed. My friend left for Burkina to be with her family in her home country, leaving her husband and two sons behind. It sounds odd, but is very common and normal here. I will miss her terrible as she's been a HUGE part of my every day. Please pray for her as she tries to purchase a home with her savings from working here. It's so little, but she knows that my friends and I are praying that she will be able to get something quickly as her fifth baby is due in September. One of the hardest thoughts for me is that she left not understanding why Jesus is the only way. I've tried for as long as I've known her, and yet she still doesn't understand. I just pray that the Father calls her and makes truth clear. I don't know when I'll see her again, I hope sooner than later. May the One that loves her more than I, reveal His will to her.

On a happy note, we have our annual Parkwood team here with us this week. They are working hard and enduring hardships for the sake of the gospel. Electricity is sketchy this week. Running water is not dependable. People on the university campus are argumentative and unreceptive. Pray that through the struggles, they succeed in accomplishing the works God called them to this week.

With Love,

1 comment:

Mac Mom said...

Oh, Heather! I am crying all the way over here for you and Karis. =(