Friday, May 28, 2010

Anyone can Story!!!

Caleb found 3 people that would listen to a story. He is telling the story in English and Olivier is translating for him.

It's a long story, but from what I heard he told it ALL!!!!

He even asked the 4 questions we ask at the end of the story.
1. what have you learned from this story.
2. What are the characteristics of God in this story?
3. What do we need to obey in this story?
4. Who needs to hear this story? now go a tell 5 people this same story.

This is again on the campus where Jonathan did a devotion to over 20 Christians and I followed up to encourage them how they can change peoples lives by just telling a story.

I remember the line from the movie Ratatouille "anyone can cook". The meaning through most of the story was just that, anyone can cook. However, later in the story the meaning changes to a good cook can be found anywhere.
Our team from Parkwood Baptist Church came to Abidjan the other day for their annual mission trip and witnessing at our University here in Abidjan. The team did a GREAT job and we talked with over 200 students and faculty. This is my sidebar to let the other Churches out there know that we would love for them to come to Abidjan too and help us out. Anyway, Caleb and Karis love it when the Parkwood team comes. Caleb asked if he could go with us to the campus and watch and listen and just be with the team. He was allowed with the warning that he should be quiet and not interrupt anyone when they are storying or talking with people. He was also told to stay with me and Zach as I could keep him in line. Caleb did real well the first 2 days and he asked if he could go with Olivier and Jonathan the 3rd day. I decided it would be ok since he obeyed so well the first 2 days. The above pictures are what happened when Caleb went with Jonathan and Olivier.
I am humble by what Caleb was able to do. I did not know he even knew the stories we told. We generally tell the stories in French and I was not aware that he knew them so well. We are told in Matthew 28:19 to go and make disciples of all nations. Caleb was willing and able to tell these people (his current nation) about the love of Jesus. Caleb just turn 11 on the 27th of this month. He told 6 people the story of Creation to Christ. So I am sitting here thinking "Anyone Can Story" we just have to be willing and obey God's will and go. So I ask you, How many people have you told about Jesus' love this month? We also need more people willing to come help us. Are you willing? remember "Anyone Can Story"!!! This doesn't mean that a great story teller can come from anywhere, it means ANYONE can story and we are commanded to tell that story to ALL the nations. Why don't you come to Abidjan and tell a few stories. Don't worry, if you forget a part of the story, Caleb can help you.

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