Saturday, May 19, 2012

Time with the Team

This is the gang at Seidou's house eating lunch.

Here the gang are being great sports and eating a famous national food, even though they didn't like it!  Thanks for having a good attitude guys!

Ooooo, looky, I got in a photo!  Hee hee!  I'm sitting with a couple of people that we prayed for this day.

Yum yum!  Eggplant Sauce on Rice

We try to get our teams into homes of those that believe differently than we do for one meal each visit.  It gives them a chance to see the culture of those they will be sharing with all week. 

We were very blessed to host our annual Parkwood team.  They were very faithful to share the gospel alongside national brothers and sisters in two neighborhoods.  One of the neighborhoods is the home of a decent sized church here in Abidjan.  As these guys shared their faith with help of translators, they were also training said translators to share their faith.  Hee hee!  Sneaky, huh! ;)  In this neighborhood they had several ask to accept Christ and many more agree to come to church.  We hope this will be a boost to this local church and that they will catch the vision of sharing.  The translators have asked Mike to return on Monday to equip them to continue sharing in homes.  He'll be training them to teach the evangelism set of stories so that they can share a big picture of the word and God's plan of salvation.

Our guys were really influential in helping these translators gain confidence in sharing with those of another faith.  Many of our brothers and sisters here are afraid to share their faith or feel like that sharing with Muslims is useless.  They often feel they can't or won't change and so they don't share.  With so many from that faith in our midst, we can't allow our brothers to keep holding the knowledge of Christ to themselves.  As the translators watched our guys step in without fear and without arguing and share their faith, we hope they too gained confidence and understood the purpose.

In another neighborhood, the guys helped one of our groups work in their area.  Again, many doors were open and they did a great job.  We hope to help this particular group move towards church and maybe this is the evangelism push that will help them move that direction.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers.  In response to your prayers, God opened doors, gave bold words, allowed for those to respond and protected the team all week.  The team estimates that 200 heard the gospel proclaimed and 10 accepted Christ.  To Him be the glory now and forever!


1 comment:

David Pope said...

Great summary ... great work by ya'll ... and God!