Monday, December 28, 2009

Joyeux Noël

Don't tell dad and Caleb, but I stole the remote so I could watch A Charlie brown Christmas!!! Mommy says I look like one of the characters on the show, so I thought I would check it out to see which one she was talking about. Which one do you think I look like????

Three child pile up!!!! Caleb was not impressed with being on the bottom, but Benjamin and Karis thought it was funny!!!!

Hmm, plaid packaging, who could this be from????


Christmas morning we did the African cultural thing again and went to a 3 1/2 hour church service. After thinking about it, what better place to go on Christmas morning? It IS Jesus' birthday celebration after all. All the groups performed something for the congregation. This is a dance by the smaller children. If you take a closer look at Karis, you can see she painted herself like the other African kids, the paint just doesn't show up as well on white skin. African paint themselves for "fetes" like Christmas!!

We hope you had a Merry Christmas and worshiped the true King. Please pray that in this next year more Africans will come to know Christ and will come to these special services to worship Him. I think my favorite Christmas word is "Immanuel" which means God with us. May he be with us this year and draw all men unto Him.

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