Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pulling out the Long Sleeve Shirts

So while Mom and Dad are having serious deep meetings about the future of our ministry here in the city the kiddos have been up to their own deep and meaningful endeavors. So what do you think? ;)

Well the long sleeves are not for here of course, but Mike and kids are getting excited about their trip to the states. Hope you'll get a chance to see them there. You can register for the conference Mike will be at from the link at the upper right hand corner of this page.

We are enjoying our visit from the family from Mexico. They've been a great help to us in vision casting. The daughters are precious young ladies. The girls have been wonderful with our kids and we will be so sad to put them back on an airplane home.

I have thoroughly enjoyed some time with Agira this week. She's been such a help with extra people here and we've had some serious spiritual conversations. Please continue to pray for her that she can understand and embrace Truth.

We had a new addition to the mission family as Daisy got a new cousin yesterday! Now we aren't a one dog mission family anymore. Our teammates got a little yorkie that is adorable.

OK, I think that is all of wierd and disjointed family news I can put together in one blog. We love you all!

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