We are getting some routines established here which is nice. I remember thinking back in July that it would be a long time before there was a normal again.
The missionary women all get together for Bible study every Tuesday night. The men, not to be outdone by their wives and sisters in Christ, get together to pray that their favorite team wins the football game that was recorded over the weekend that they watch while we do Bible Study! So it is Tuesday night football in
Fridays have become another silly ritual for us. We all get together in the kitchen and make chicken nuggets and fries for dinner. The kids pretend to be little chefs and dip and bread the meat. Then they pretend to take orders for the family waiting in the dining room for dinner and set their table. Then we all sit down when it’s ready and say how glad we are that we didn’t have to cook supper tonight.
Our tutors come most mornings of the week, so between them and home school we are pretty busy until lunch. We usually head out in the afternoons to run errands or find people with whom to speak French. The kids here are out of school on Wednesdays, so this week we found a few kids to come over and kick a ball around and play jump rope in the afternoon.
Almost every evening we go out to speak French with our night guard. He’s gotten very accustomed to us coming and seems so happy to have someone to talk with. He fusses when we are late or miss a night. It makes bath and bed time a little hard to get our evening routine done, but gives us some practice we need.
On Friday mornings Mike goes out with a group of men to share the gospel with whoever they find. He really enjoys getting to be a part of this although he can’t share much yet.
We’ve been to the same church now for several weeks. We are beginning to figure out how the service works and what to do when. They have just poured a cement slab floor which is nice for keeping the sand out of your sandals.
We are now waiting for a season here called Harmattan. It is a period of only a few weeks here where we are that dust blocks out the sun and makes it look cloudy. Since the temperatures are really heating up now we are looking forward to this blessing/curse. We understand that everything is covered in a thick layer of dust, but the cloudy look lowers the temperature in the day and night.
Mike got to go to the bush this last week. He enjoyed his time visiting in the village and took this great photo of a termite mound. Hopefully we can all go next time.
Our missionary friends here have helped us make ornaments for our tree so that we’ll be all ready for Christmas. It is still very odd to think that Christmas is on its way when it is so hot and green. We are missing Christmas Carols too, but our city of
The missionaries that are still here on Christmas will get together to eat and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Of course we will miss you all, but are thankful that we have people here with whom to gather.
Mike and I will celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary on Sunday. It is crazy to think that it has been 12 years already. I am thanking the Lord for this special gift in my life. I pray that God will give me the grace and ability to be the helpmeet Mike deserves.
Thank you for your prayers. We love you all and Merry Christmas to you.
Thank you so much for your blog. I love to read about your experiences. Me and my family pray for you every night. We are so thankful for your faithfulness!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Love Jamie, Karen, Abbey & Logan Brown
It's so fun to see pictures that I recognize from our few days in Abidjan. And I could close my eyes and just "see" and "hear" y'all talking to the guard at night. I know this first Christmas away from all things familiar may be hard but I'll be praying that it will be a special time of celebration anyway! FPO ends tomorrow and then I'm headed to Texas and am really looking forward to some REST!!! Merry Christmas to all of you!
Marlene Boothe
Hey guys !!!! Thanks for the update. The recent pictures are beautiful and we really enjoy visiting the site to stay up to date on how things are going.
We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and let you know that we miss you all dearly. We look forward to more updates in the near future and we will continue to have you guys in our prayers. We love you !
Brent, Beth and Sarah Beth
P.S. Happy anniversary also !
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