I was able to attend my first baby naming ceremony last week. A missionary friend invited me to go with her to a Muslim friend's house for the festivities. To make a long story short I'll say, the baby got a lot of soap (customary baby gift), some cash, and a bald head! We all ate rice and then we went home.
Yesterday another missionary friend and I were back at Vridi, just to talk to the ladies there. We had to go in the afternoon this time because of some scheduling conflicts, so we didn't get to talk to all of the usual women. We did find our friend Elodie, or should I say she found us. She began to tell us more about herself and share some needs. It became obvious that she is very lonely. Although she is probably only in her early twenties, her parents are dead. She is all alone because the uncle that is supposed to take care of her has put her in a house by herself. She stopped going to school as a young teen because someone put a death curse on her. She is still afraid to this day because of that curse, but said "I'm still alive." She has no trade skills because she's had no one to teach her. Getting an apprenticeship costs money and she has none. Please continue to pray for Elodie. She is reading the New Testament we gave her. She says there is a day that she walked a church aisle, but she lives in fear every day.
Pray also for my friend Aissatou. We are to begin storying today with her.
Homeschooling is coming along. It is difficult to be Mom, missionary, French student and teacher, but we accomplish most of those tasks most of the days.
Caleb and Karis are adjusting well to life here. They miss family, friends and dogs. They are beginning to learn some French and have some kids that they play with occasionally. The missionaries on our compound are still their favorite people here.
We are still visiting around to many churches. When we don't have other invitations, we try to go to church at Vridi so that we can have some sort of normalcy. Right now we still have two church invitations that we need to get to.
Continue to pray as we pray toward figuring out how the research we did affects our ministry here.
We love you and miss you.
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